
Define the value
Produce lead gen content



Success Story
Hunting down counterfeits on the web
Webdrone offers a unique SaaS platform that enables sellers of counterfeit products on the darkweb and social media to be tracked and identified.
The company uses advanced technologies to penetrate online communities, capture legally accepted proof of fraudulent activities, and offer a unique ability to build a legal case against criminals.
The hunt turns to high- impact marketing content
The company came to Eleius with a request for the production of thought leadership materials. Their global lead generation campaigns needed compelling, high-value content to establish authority in the space, while shaping the conversation in a way that positions Webdrone as the clear solution.
From concept to content
Eleius applied a rigorous methodology to rapidly produce effective marketing assets. We first wrote a positioning document that detailed the company’s unique value proposition and product capabilities. We then rapidly leveraged the positioning deliverable to create an enticing ebook that aimed to educate the professionals in charge of online counterfeit detection at corporates worldwide on best practices in seeking, identifying, and building winning legal cases.
Eleius also converted the ebook into two crisp infographics. The company was able to rapidly benefit from sharp, on-message assets and incorporated them into their global ABM campaigns. The three content pieces produced by Eleius are also available in the knowledge center section of its website.
Content-driven lead generation
Eleius enabled the company to scale its lead generation globally, harvesting leads using the high-quality marketing assets produced by Eleius.